Choice group "xd:choice" Selection of one model from this group. The number of occurrences of this model in processed data must correspond the quantifier from model.
<Owner> <xd:choice> <Person xd:script = "occurs 1; ref Person;" /> <Company xd:script = "occurs 1; ref Company;" /> </xd:choice> <Address Street="string();" House="int();" Town="string();"/> </Owner>
Mixed group "xd:mixed"
The order of items in this group can be arbitrary. The total number of occurrences of each
object is defined by a quantifier of the model.
<Family> <Father xd:script = "occurs ?; ref Person;" /> <Mother xd:script = "occurs 1; ref Person;" /> <xd:mixed> <Son xd:script = "occurs *; ref Person;" /> <Daughter xd:script = "occurs *; ref Person;" /> </xd:mixed> </Family>