7.1. What is Xcomponent?

From compiled Xdefinitions, you can generate Java source code of Xcomponents. The classes of Xcomponents contain getters and setters so can this way access data declared in the model. Let's have a simple Xdefinition:
<xd:def xmlns:xd="http://www.xdef.org/xdef/4.2" name="Test" root="Book" >
  <Book ISBN="int(100000000, 9999999999);"
      year = "gYear();"
      title = "string();" >
      <author xd:script="occurs *"> string(); </author>
    %class test.book.Book %link Test#Book;
Note in the example was declared component "Book", which will be generated to the package "test.book".
It contains the following getters and setters in the Java source code:
package test.book;
public class Book implements org.xdef.component.XComponent{
  public String getISBN() {...}
  public setISBN(String x) {...}
  public org.xdef.sys.SDatetime getyear() {...}
  public setyear(org.xdef.sys.SDatetime x) {...}
  public String gettitle() {...}
  public void settitle(String x) {...}
  public java.util.List<Book.author> listOfauthor() {...}
  public void addauthor(Book.author x) {...}